
“God allows each person the opportunity for perfections, whether you need one life or a hundred lives to reach your level of perfection”.  (Tenet XV, Novus Spiritus).  




The Essenes authored the Gnostic Gospels (also called the Dead Sea scrolls) which formed the basis of the early Bible.  Research has validated that were about 11 to 15 books in the Bible that had to do with reincarnation. The church in 325AD, during the Council of Nicaea, eliminated many of the Essenes books including everything that had to do with reincarnation.


In the first Novus Spiritus service in Seattle, WA (20NOV94), Ms. Sylvia Browne spoke on the topic of reincarnation: 

 "In our belief system, we believe in reincarnation. We believe that God is an Equal opportunity Employer. We believe that you do not have just one chance to be stupid and dumb; you have lots of them. We believe that you wrote your own Chart, which is very hard for us to swallow because I am convinced somebody drugged me. When you look at it in a broader scope, though, most of us do not want to come back. We want to do it right this time and graduate, and we want to do it in such fine style. As Cyrano de Bergerac says, 'All I will take with me to heaven is my white plume intact.'  (your “white plume” is your motive between you and God. That is all that can be judged).


That does not mean in my life, as well as your life, that I have not hurt people; of course we have, and we have also hurt our self. But I think that, more important today, the message is forgiveness of. If you cannot forgive something, give it to God. There are certain things, like I have said in my seminars, that are far beyond our power to forgive. So, it is perfectly all right to say, “God, I cannot forgive that mother who killed her two kids, so I have got to give it to You”; that is okay".


Science, Religion & Philosophy
The purpose of The Golden Seat, besides being a pleasurable piece of art, is to harmonize Science, Religion and Philosophy and to seek a grounding in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness.  Looking through the ‘lens’ of science astrophysicist Sir Arthur Eddington felt quantum physics opened a philosophic door to Spirit, but mysticism, not physics, would be responsible for the proof of the metaphysical. In ‘The Freethinker’ Eddington comments, “I do not suggest that the new physics ‘proves religion’ or indeed gives any positive grounds for religious faith.  But it gives strong grounds for an idealistic philosophy…”.  Looking through the ‘lens’ of philosophy Emmanuel Kant’sCopernican Revolution’ gives credit to the notion that there are experiences that could be acquired through ‘intuitions of the mind’, Georg Hegel's concept of the Aufheben or 'sublation' attempted to integrate, opposing factors such as between necessity & freedom or transcendence & immanence. Akin to the new discoveries of quantum physics Kant’s Transcendental Idealism opens another door to Spirit where certain knowledge transcends sensory evidence.  Is it not unreasonable to view reincarnation - an untouchable subject in academic philosophy – as a priori knowledge that transcends sense-data via ‘space and time’? 
The reader can be a believer or remain skeptical, but one cannot remain dogmatic with this ‘higher understanding’.


Research Material

Carol Bowman.  "Reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It’s a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical”. 


'Soul Survivor:  The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot' (Bruce & Andrea Leininger, 2009)


Victor Zammit